Percentage Calculator
Percentage Increase/Decrease
Starting Value
Change (%)
Percentage Difference
First Value
Second Value
Difference 0%
Percentage Calculator
Use this Percentage Calculator to calculate the percentage of a value. Enter the percentage and the value and click calculate to get the percentage of the value.
For example, if you have a value of 100 and you want to find out what 10% of that value is, you will get a total of 10.
Increase And Decrease Calculator
Use this Percentage Calculator to add and remove a percentage from a value. Calculate increase and decreases in percentage on any value.
For example, if you have a value of 100 and you want to add 5% to it, you will get a total of 105. If you want to remove 5% from 100, you will get a total of 95.
Percentage Difference
Use this Percentage Calculator to calculate the percentage difference between two values. Enter the two values and click calculate to get the percentage difference.
For example, if you have two numbers 100 and 200, the percentage difference between the two numbers is 100%.
If you have two numbers 100 and 50, the percentage difference between the two numbers is -50%.