Here is a list of books that I've read or plan to read. I've split them into categories to make it easier to find what you're looking for.
- The Pragmatic Programmer
- Clean Code
- Clean Architecture
- The Clean Coder
- Refactoring
- Design Patterns
- Designing Software Architectures
- The Phoenix Project
- The Unicorn Project
- Working Effectively with Legacy Code
Personal Development
- Atomic Habits
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- The 4-Hour Work Week
- The 4-Hour Body
- The 4-Hour Chef
- 12 Rules for Life
- Beyond Order
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
- The Power of Now
- The Chimp Paradox
- The 5AM Club
- 48 Laws of Power
- Laws Of Human Nature
- Can't Hurt Me
- Deep Work
- Drive
- How To Win Friends and Influence People
- How To Be A Productivity Ninja
- Man's Search For Meaning
- Never Split The Difference
- The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant
- Think Like A Monk
- Think And Grow Rich
- Thinking Fast and Slow
- Tools of Titans
- Compound Effect
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
- Bitcoin Standard
- The Millionaire Next Door
- The Psychology of Money
- Richest Man In Babylon