
PHP Include All Files In A Folder

If you want to instantiate a class in PHP the class must be loaded into your application before you can use it. There are 4 ways you can load a class into your application include, include_once, require or require_once. But when you use this you must define all of the classes that you want to use in your application. Another option is to use an autoload function which will be called when your application attempts to instantiate a class which isn't loaded.

function __autoload($classname) {
    $filename = $classname . ".php";

    if(file_exists( $filename ))

$class = new MyClass();
$class2 = new OtherClass();

Below is another solution you can use, but you must have all your files inside a folder of your application, you can then search a folder for all PHP files and include all these files in your application. This uses the PHP function glob() which will search for a pattern of file names and return them as an array. You can use this array to loop through the values and include the file, like the following code.

foreach (glob('folder/*.php') as $filename)
    include_once $filename;

new Class();
new ClassTwo();
new ClassThree();


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